Allow me to join the chorus of developers who find AI to be an outstanding productivity tool.

One key reason AI is so helpful programming is the ablity to copy the AI’s code answer and simply “run it”. (I’ve had ChatGpt just make stuff up and tell me to use methods that do not exist)

But, as shown below, the programmer needs the ability to ask good questions. (Fortunately perfect typing is not needed as AI does a great job working around typos.)

Particularly impressive is AI’s ability to infer the context of a question. For example my third question below when I asked what could have been interpreted as a yes/no question yet the AI properly construed that was me pointing out a possible bug, and the AI re-wrote the appropriate section of the code despite me not even naming the specific code I had doubts about. Ditto my fifth question below and the AI’s realizing the issue was to avoid introducing hard to debug errors.

Essentially, working with an AI assist is like working with a junior programmmer… who happens to have read everything on the internet related to programming.

AI’s ability to infer context is perhaps what I find most remarkable.

Here’s a fairly typical conversation from this morning wiht code redacted to highlight the back-and-forth discusion that narrows down to a rather elegant solution to a problem which I imagine was entirely unique.


my rails app uses rack_attack. I have written a method add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path) the method quickly stores the ip address and the (invalid) path it tried to request in Rails.cache for later processing to possibly add to a more permanent blocking scheme, those details are not important at this time. my question is where can I place that method so that a) any of my controller routes can use it, AND b) so it gets invoked by rack_attack.rb when THIS rule (which blocks attempts to access for exmaple a .php route which is a 100% certain indication of a hacker) gets triggered



To make your add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path) method accessible from both your controllers and the Rack::Attack configuration, you can follow these steps: Create a new concern: First, create a new file app/controllers/concerns/suspect_ip_handler.rb:


Include the concern in your ApplicationController: In app/controllers/application_controller.rb:


Extend the Rack::Attack class with the concern: In your config/initializers/rack_attack.rb:


Modify your Rack::Attack rule: Now you can use the add_ip_to_suspects method in your Rack::Attack rule:


With these changes:

a) Any of your controller routes can use the method by calling SuspectIpHandler.add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path) or simply add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path) within a controller action.

b) The method gets invoked by rack_attack.rb when the rule is triggered.

This approach keeps your code DRY and makes the add_ip_to_suspects method accessible from both your controllers and the Rack::Attack configuration. The method is defined in one place and can be easily maintained and updated as needed.


is there an alternative to using a concern, if I only need it in my Home controller and in rack_attack


Certainly. If you only need the method in your Home controller and Rack::Attack, you can use a simpler approach without creating a concern. Here’s an alternative solution:

  • Create a module in lib directory:
  • Create a new file lib/suspect_ip_handler.rb:


Make sure the lib directory is autoloaded: In config/application.rb, ensure you have this line:


Use the module in your Home controller: In app/controllers/home_controller.rb:


Use the module in Rack::Attack: In your config/initializers/rack_attack.rb:


This approach has several benefits:

  • It’s simpler than using a concern, as you’re only defining the method once in a module.
  • It’s more isolated, as you’re only including it where it’s needed (Home controller and Rack::Attack).
  • It’s still easily maintainable, as the method is defined in one place.
  • It doesn’t add the method to all controllers, which keeps your application cleaner if you only need it in specific places. To use the method:
  • In your Home controller, you can call SuspectIpHandler.add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path).
  • In Rack::Attack, you’re already calling it as shown in the example above. This solution provides a good balance between accessibility and isolation for your specific use case.


to confirm, rack_attack, whcih is middleware can access a lib module?


You’re right to double-check this. I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. Let me clarify and provide a more accurate solution:

  • You’re correct to be cautious. Rack middleware, including Rack::Attack, runs in a different context than your Rails application. This means it doesn’t have direct access to your lib directory or Rails autoloading mechanisms by default. Here’s a more reliable approach:
  • Create a new initializer file:
  • Create config/initializers/suspect_ip_handler.rb:

SuspectIpHandler Initializer

Use the method in your Rack::Attack configuration: In config/initializers/rack_attack.rb:


Use in your Home controller: In app/controllers/home_controller.rb:


This approach has several advantages:

  • It ensures the SuspectIpHandler module is loaded and available when Rack::Attack initializes.
  • It makes the method available to both Rack::Attack and your Rails controllers.
  • It keeps the implementation in one place, making it easy to maintain.
  • It works reliably in the Rack middleware context. By defining the module and extending Rack::Attack in an initializer, we ensure that the method is available to Rack::Attack when it’s set up, avoiding any issues with Rails autoloading or accessing application code from middleware.


how do i know it will be avialable when rack_attack is initilaized? do I need ot control the initializer order in some way with suspect_ip_handler.rb and rack_attack.rb ?


You raise an excellent point about initialization order. Let’s address this concern to ensure our solution is robust:

  • You’re right to be cautious about the initialization order. In Rails, initializers are loaded alphabetically by default, which could potentially cause issues if rack_attack.rb loads before suspect_ip_handler.rb. To ensure the correct loading order, we can take the following steps:
  • Rename the initializers with number prefixes:
  • Rename suspect_ip_handler.rb to 01_suspect_ip_handler.rb
  • Rename rack_attack.rb to 02_rack_attack.rb This naming convention ensures that suspect_ip_handler.rb is loaded before rack_attack.rb. Update the 01_suspect_ip_handler.rb file:


In your 02_rack_attack.rb file, you can now use the method as before:


This approach provides several benefits:

  • It explicitly controls the load order of the initializers.
  • It handles the case where Rack::Attack might not be defined yet (unlikely, but possible in some configurations).
  • If Rack::Attack isn’t defined when the first initializer runs, it uses after_initialize to ensure the method is added once Rack::Attack is available.
  • It keeps the implementation in one place, making it easy to maintain. With these changes, you can be confident that SuspectIpHandler will be available when Rack::Attack is initialized, regardless of any peculiarities in your Rails environment or gem load order.

Remember, you can still use SuspectIpHandler.add_ip_to_suspects(ip, path) directly in your controllers if needed.


if it cannot extend rack_attack I do NOT want to hide that error, it is important that if rack_attack calls that method that it be there - fatal errors in rack_attack are very problematic


You’re absolutely right, and I appreciate your emphasis on reliability, especially when it comes to security-related features like Rack::Attack. Let’s revise our approach to ensure we fail fast and visibly if there’s any issue with extending Rack::Attack.

Here’s a revised version of the initializer that addresses your concerns:



This revised initializer does the following:

  • Defines the SuspectIpHandler module as before.
  • Explicitly requires rack/attack and raises an error if it’s not available. This ensures that Rack::Attack is present before we try to extend it.
  • Extends Rack::Attack with the add_ip_to_suspects method only if it doesn’t already have this method. This prevents potential issues if the method is somehow defined elsewhere.
  • Verifies that the method was successfully added to Rack::Attack. If not, it raises an error.
  • Outputs a confirmation message if everything was successful.

With this approach:

  • If Rack::Attack is not properly installed or configured, you’ll get an immediate, clear error during application startup.
  • If there’s any issue extending Rack::Attack with the new method, you’ll also get an immediate error.
  • There’s no risk of silently failing or hiding errors.
  • You can be confident that if the application starts successfully, Rack::Attack has been properly extended with the add_ip_to_suspects method. This initializer should be named to load before your Rack::Attack configuration (e.g., 01_suspect_ip_handler.rb). Your Rack::Attack configuration file (e.g., 02_rack_attack.rb) can then use the method as before:


This approach ensures that any issues with Rack::Attack or the extension of its functionality will be immediately apparent and treated as critical errors, aligning with your emphasis on reliability and security.


does home controller need to include/require the SuspectIpHandler


You’re right to ask about this. Let’s clarify the situation for the Home controller.

  • In this case, the Home controller doesn’t need to explicitly include or require the SuspectIpHandler. Here’s why:
  • The SuspectIpHandler module is defined in an initializer, which means it’s loaded when the Rails application starts up.
  • Modules defined in initializers become part of the global namespace and are available throughout the application.

However, to make the code more explicit and to ensure there are no issues, we can add a small safeguard to the Home controller. Here’s how you can use it in your Home controller:


This approach has several benefits:

  • It doesn’t require an explicit include or require, keeping the controller cleaner.
  • It checks if SuspectIpHandler is defined before using it, preventing potential NameErrors if something goes wrong with the initializer.
  • It logs an error (or optionally raises one) if SuspectIpHandler is not available, making any issues immediately apparent.
  • If you prefer to be absolutely certain and don’t mind an extra line in your controller, you could add this at the top of your controller file:


This require_dependency is typically not necessary, but it can help catch any load order issues in development. In production, Rails will have already loaded all initializers before any requests are processed.

To summarize:

  • You don’t need to include or require SuspectIpHandler in your Home controller.
  • It’s available globally because it’s defined in an initializer.
  • You can add a simple check in your controller action to ensure it’s defined and handle any potential issues. If you want to be extra cautious, you can add a require_dependency in development, but this is generally not necessary.

Claude can make mistakes. Please double-check responses.