Imagine Biden holding a televised news conference, and to the surprise of all attending, he is wheeled in.

He pauses, giving everyone ample time to gasp and think oh no, he’s in even worse shape than we thought.

Then he stands.

He points to the Chair.

FDR's wheelchair


He says:

This is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s wheelchair.

This is the chair from which FDR ended the bank runs that plagued the Great Depression with his Emergency Banking Act of 1933.

This is the chair from which FDR established the FDIC.

This is the chair from which FDR created the New Deal and the Civilian Conservation Corp.

This is the chair from which FDR spearheaded the PWA and the Tennesee Valley Authority.

This is the chair from which FDR cut America’s crippling 25% unemployment rate to under 2%.

This is the chair from which FDR grew the US economy 58% in 8 years of peacetime, and then 56% again during the war.

This is the chair from which FDR created Social Security.

This is the chair from which FDR established the first federal minimum wage, and the first federal action to prohibit employment discrimination.

This is the chair from which FDR successfully overcame the Nazi-led propaganda efforts aided by Nazi sympathizers in the US Congress trying to convince Americans to let Hitler do whatever the hell he wanted. (Sound familiar?) Instead, FDR established the allied coalition that emerged victorious in World War 2. This great leader almost got to see the fruition of his efforts but he died 2 weeks before Germany surrendered.

This is the chair of a man who genuinely made America great.

You can bet the same pundits and elites who are suggesting today that I step aside would not have supported FDR… they would have said FDR was not fit to be president. Pundits and elites have no skin in the game. They have a terrible track record. They lacked vision in 2016. They lacked vision in 2022. And they lack vision today.

Look, I’m grateful to have reached this age without needing a wheelchair.

But you know what?

Even from a wheelchair I’d be a far better president than a convicted felon, hate-monger, insurrectionist, and self-described dictator. I know how to get things done, and I look forward to working for the American people another 4 years.